• I Dewa Made Rasta Fakultas Hukum Universitas Ngurah Rai
Keywords: pembunuhan, pencurian, anak, faktor penyebab, penerapan sanksi




Seorang wanita pegawai Bank Mandiri Cabang Kuta, Badung bernama Ni Putu Widiastuti, 24 tahun, ditemukan tewas bersimbah darah di rumahnya di Desa Ubung Kaja, Kecamatan Denpasar Utara, Senin, 28 Desember 2020 pagi pukul 09.00 wita. Kasus pembunuhan sadis dan pencurian tersebut, akhirnya berhasil diungkap. Pelaku pembunuhan adalah anak berusia 14 tahun berinisial Putu AHP, kelahiran Singaraja (Buleleng), 30 Juni 2006, tinggal di rumah kos-kosan bersama orang tuanya yang berjarak ± 25 meter dari rumah korban. Pelaku ditangkap polisi di Terminal Penarukan Singaraja, Kecamatan Buleleng, Kamis 31 Desember 2020, selanjutnya pelaku dibawa ke Denpasar untuk diamankan dan diproses di Mapolresta Denpasar. Sidang kasus pencurian dengan kekerasan digelar secara online/teleconference di Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar. Majelis hakim yang diketuai Hari Suprianto dalam amar putusannya menyatakan terdakwa Putu AHP terbukti bersalah melakukan tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan yang mengakibatkan korban Ni Putu Widiastuti meninggal dunia, sesuai dengan ketentuan pasal 365 ayat (3) KUHP, dengan ancaman pidana paling lama 15 tahun. Oleh karena terdakwa masih dibawah umur atau anak, maka majelis hakim menjatuhkan pidana penjara terhadap terdakwa Putu AHP selama 7,5 tahun. Hal yang memberatkan, perbuatan terdakwa diluar batas kewajaran menghilangkan nyawa seseorang. Terdakwa dalam melakukan perbuatannya sudah mempersiapkan senjata, jadi ada niat jahat disini. Sedangkan hal yang meringankan, terdakwa masih anak-anak, masa depannya masih panjang dan bisa dibina. Atas putusan majelis hakim tersebut, jaksa, terdakwa, menerima putusan hakim tersebut. Membahas masalah kejahatan maupun pelaku kejahatan, tidak cukup hanya pada penjatuhan hukuman/pidana. Namun yang lebih penting adalah mencari faktor penyebab pelaku melakukan kejahatan dan upaya penanggulangannya.


Kata kunci : pembunuhan, pencurian, anak, faktor penyebab, penerapan sanksi




A young woman, who was an employee of Bank Mandiri Kuta Branch, Badung, named Ni Putu Widiastuti, 24 years old, was found dead covered in blood at her house in Ubung Kaja Village, North Denpasar District, on Monday morning, December 28, 2020 at 09.00 WITA. This sadistic murder and theft case was finally resolved. The perpetrator of the murder was a 14-year-old boy with the initials Putu AHP, born in Singaraja (Buleleng), on June 30, 2006, living in a boarding house with his parents, which is about 25 meters from the victim's house. The perpetrator was arrested by the police at Penarukan Terminal in Singaraja, Buleleng, on Thursday 31 December 2020, then the perpetrator was taken to Denpasar to be secured and processed at the Denpasar Police Headquarters. The trial of violent theft case is held online / by teleconference at the Denpasar District Court. The panel of judges chaired by Hari Suprianto in the verdict stated that the defendant Putu AHP was found guilty of committing a crime of theft with violence which resulted in the death of victim Ni Putu Widiastuti, in accordance with the provisions of Article 365 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code, with a maximum sentence of 15 years. As the defendant was still a minor or an underaged, the panel of judges sentenced defendant Putu AHP to 7.5 years. The burdensome thing was that the defendant's actions were out of the ordinary, which would take someone's life. In doing his action, the defendant had prepared a weapon, so there was an evil intent here. Meanwhile, to moderate it, the defendant is still an underaged, his future is still long and can be developed. On the judges panel verdict, the prosecutor and the defendant accepted the judge's decision. Discussing the problem of crime and criminals, it is not only just to impose a sentence / crime. What is more important is to find the factors that cause the perpetrators to commit crimes and efforts to overcome them.


Keywords: murder, theft, children, causative factors, application of sanctions

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