Jurnal Teknik Gradien https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien <p>Jurnal Teknik GRADIEN adalah jurnal ilmiah Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Universitas Ngurah Rai Denpasar, yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober. Pertama kali diterbitkan pada bulan Maret 2009. Jurnal ini sebagai wadah informasi bidang Teknik Sipil, berupa hasil penelitian, studi kepustakaan, maupun tulisan ilmiah terkait.</p> Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Ngurah Rai en-US Jurnal Teknik Gradien 2085-2932 EVALUASI PERENCANAAN DERMAGA TERHADAP KEBUTUHAN BONGKAR MUAT DI PELABUHAN PERIKANAN PANTAI PASONGSONGAN, JAWA TIMUR https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1073 <p><em>Pasongsongan Coastal Fishing Port (PPP) is included in the classification or type C class which has equipment to handle and process fish according to a predetermined capacity. An example of the main facilities at the Pasongsongan Beach Fishing Harbor is the wharf. The condition of the existing wharf at Pasongsongan Beach Fishing Harbor is inefficient for ships to dock at the wharf, causing queues of ships. So, the wharf at the Pasongsongan Beach Fishing Harbor has conditions that need to be evaluated because there are queues of ships when loading and unloading fish. In this research, quantitative research methods were used with hydro-oceanographic data analysis, dock planning, and cost budget (RAB) analysis. The existing condition of the wharf at Pasongsongan Beach Fishing Harbor has a wharf length of 126,920 m and a height of 3 m. Based on the evaluation of the wharf &nbsp;planning carried out by researchers, the dimensions of the wharf were 122 m long and 4 m high and could accommodate 6 20 GT ships. The dimensions of the largest ship are 16.87 m long and 6 m wide. The budget plan (RAB) required for the evaluation of this wharf planning is IDR 9,235,925,097,- (nine billion two hundred thirty-five million nine hundred twenty-five thousand ninety-seven rupiah). It is hoped that this planning evaluation can increase the utilization of loading and unloading dock facilities by fishing vessels.</em></p> Dwi Oktaviana Sari Cholilul Chayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 1 9 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1073 EVALUASI PERENCANAAN BREAKWATER TERHADAP GELOMBANG DI PELABUHAN PERIKANAN PANTAI PASONGSONGAN, JAWA TIMUR https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1074 <p><em>Pasongsongan Beach Fishing Harbor is included in class C fishing ports. The main facility at Pasongsongan Beach Fisheries Harbor is a Breakwater which was built with a length of 50 m and a width of 18 m, but it cannot protect the anchoring pond from sedimentation due to tidal currents carrying sedimentary material. enter the anchor pool so that the water depth in the anchor pool experiences shallowing due to sedimentation. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the breakwater planning at Pasongsongan Beach Fishing Harbor with the aim of reducing sedimentation in the harbor pond. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method. By analyzing winds, waves and tides for 4 years. Based on the evaluation results obtained, a breakwater length of 60 m is planned with a breakwater height at the head end of the building of 4.176 m and a width of 16.55 m. Meanwhile, the height of the breakwater on the arm of the building is 4.176 m and the width is 16.07 m. The type of breakwater planned is a sloping side type made from tetrapod material and crushed stone with a building slope of 1:2. The specifications for the head end use tetrapod stone, the first layer weighing 0.434 tons and the second layer weighing 0.0434 tons, while the core layer uses rough natural stone weighing 0.00408 tons. For the arms of the building, tetrapod stone is used, the first layer weighs 0.279 tonnes and the second layer weighs 0.0279 tonnes, while the core layer uses rough natural stone weighing 0.00326 tonnes.</em></p> Irza Nensita Mayanda Cholilul Chayati Ach. Desmantri Rahmanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 10 19 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1074 PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR GEDUNG RUSUN STAHN EMPU KUTURAN SINGARAJA DENGAN METODE FLAT SLAB https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1087 <p><em>Redesign is a work that is planned and reconfigured to achieve specific goals. One of the redesign methods in construction is the flat slab. Flat slab is a two-way reinforced concrete construction that only consists of horizontal elements in the form of slabs without beams, supported by columns. The planning location is in the Empu Kuturan Singaraja State Hindu Religion College Dormitory building. In the data collection process, the method used includes literature studies comprising architectural drawings, soil data, and structural material data. Modeling was performed using ETABS V.20 software. In this research, two models were created: 1) the Existing Model (M.eks) and 2) the Flat Slab Model (M.fs). The objective of this research is to plan the building structure using the flat slab method, compare the structural deflections of the M.eks and M.fs buildings, and also compare the budget aspects of the M.eks and M.fs buildings. In terms of deflection comparison between floors in M.eks and M.fs, the maximum deflection occurs on the 3rd floor in the M.fs method. The deflection in the X direction becomes larger, with a percentage of 47.92%. In the Y direction, it becomes smaller, with a percentage of 52.64%. In terms of budget, the flat slab method (M.fs) is more economical compared to the existing structure (M.eks), with a difference of IDR.1,659,000.00 or a percentage of 0.05%.</em></p> Kadek Surya Dwangga Ni Komang Ayu Agustini Putu Aryastana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 20 29 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1087 Analisis ANALISIS SISA BESI TULANGAN MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE CUTTING OPTIMIZATION PRO PADA KONSTRUKSI GEDUNG https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1075 <p><em>Making a bar bending schedule is one of the efforts to control the waste material of reinforcing steel, but in calculating the waste material manually it is still not optimal. In order to reduce the waste material, it is attempted to use software namely Cutting Optimization Pro (SCOP) which produces the output in the form of the most optimal pattern of cutting of reinforcing steel. The research object for the Villa Stilo Development Project was chosen because in the concrete structure work process there was quite a lot of steel material left over. The purpose of this study is to determine the needs and total costs, the percentage of waste and the waste cost of steel reinforcement. The method used is descriptive analytic, with the data used in the form of working drawings and budget plans. The need for steel is calculated using Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) method, for the waste of the material is analyzed using manual calculations (conventional) and compared using SCOP. The results of the analysis showed that the need for reinforcing steel in the Villa Stilo Development Project was 1,205 rods of Ø8 steel, 103 rods of Ø10 steel, 75 rods of D10 steel, 882 rods of D13 steel, 21 sheets of M7 wiremesh and 18 sheets of M10 wiremesh. With a total cost of steel needs of Rp. 225,937,460.00. The percentage of waste generated by using the conventional method is 9.43%, while using SCOP is 4.36%. For waste costs using the conventional method of Rp. 19,937,700, while using SCOP of Rp. 9,693,760.00 or the waste cost using the conventional method is 105.68% bigger than using SCOP.</em></p> I Gusti Ngurah Eka Partama I Gusti Made Sudika Ega Louis Bagus Saputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 30 38 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1075 KINERJA BIAYA DAN WAKTU PROYEK DENGAN METODE EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1085 <p><em>cost and time planning and control are part of overall construction project management. The cost and time used in completing a job are continuously measured against the plan. Significant deviations in cost and time indicate poor project management. In the implementation of the construction project for the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University, a delay of 34.15% in project realization progress was observed in the 13th week, while the planned progress was 38.14% in the 13th week. Earned Value Management (EVM) is a control method used to manage project costs and schedules in an integrated manner. This method provides information on project performance in terms of cost and time for a reporting period and provides projections of the costs and time required to complete the project. The results of the analysis show the values for Actual Cost Work Performed (ACWP) as Rp. 13,522,731,641, Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule (BCWS) as Rp. 9,224,298,540, and Budgeted Cost Work Performance (BCWP) as Rp. 8,260,099,464. The average CPI value of 1.30&gt;1 indicates that the project performance is better than planned, while the average SPI value of 0.99&lt;1 means that the project is running behind the scheduled plan. The analysis results for the project completion projections are as follows: Estimate Temporary Cost (ETC) is Rp. 12,223,343,210, Estimate All Cost (EAC) is Rp. 25,746,074,851, Estimate Temporary Schedule (ETS) is 48 days, and Estimate All Schedule (EAS) is 139 days.</em></p> I Gede Ngurah Sunatha Anak Agung Ratu Ritaka Wangsa Tjokorda Istri Praganingrum Putu Mia Loviani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 39 47 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1085 ANALISIS PEKERJAAN RESERVOIR PADA PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM PENYEDIAAN AIR MINUM (SPAM) DI DESA NUNLEU https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1088 <p><strong>Masyarakat Desa Nunleu yang terletak di Kecamatan Amanatun Selatan, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur, mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses air bersih. Pada Tahun 2020, pemerintah membantu kesulitan warga, melalui Program Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM). Pengembangan SPAM ini meliputi pekerjaan jaringan pipa, bak penampung (reservoir), hidran umum, pemasangan pompa, dan pemasangan panel surya untuk sumber listrik pada pompa.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan pekerjaan bak penampung (reservoir) dan menghitung nilai keamaan strukturnya terhadap tekanan dan gaya hidrostatis yang terjadi. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan, wawancara dengan tenaga teknis proyek, dan literasi dari dokumen-dokumen pelaksanaan, seperti gambar-gambar dan spesifikasi teknis.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Hasil dari pengamatan dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan reservoir terdapat beberapa proses yaitu pekerjaan pembersihan dan pemasangan bouwplank, galian dan urugan tanah, pasangan batu untuk pondasi, beton lantai kerja, beton bertulang untuk struktur lantai, dinding dan tutup reservoir, plesteran dan acian, pengecatan waterproofing, pemasangan pipa inlet, pipa outlet, pipa penguras dan overflow, tangga control, mainhole dan tutupnya. Analisis struktur menunjukkan bahwa tekanan dan gaya hidrostatis yang terjadi pada dinding dan lantai, dapat ditahan oleh baja tulangan yang terpasang, dimana gaya hidrostatis maksimum pada dinding (F= 100 kN) &lt; gaya yang terjadi pada tulangan terpasang (Ts = 180 kN), serta luas tulangan akibat tekanan hidrostatis pada lantai (As <sub>perlu</sub> = 296,9 mm<sup>2</sup>) &lt; luas tulangan yang terpasang (Ast = 753,6 mm<sup>2</sup>).</strong></p> I Gede Oka Wiradnyana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 48 55 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1088 PERENCANAAN PELAKSANAAN PROYEK KONSTRUKSI PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN RUMAH SUSUN SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA HINDU NEGERI MPU KUTURAN SINGARAJA https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1096 <p class="Abtrak" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><em><span lang="EN-US">Project planning is the first step in managing the resources, funds and time that has been determined to complete the project. The project for the construction of the Mpu Kuturan Singaraja State Hindu Religious High School Flat is a project that has been implemented but does not have an existing plan yet. Therefore, the author tries to make a plan according to the method that has been studied. This plan consists of a Construction Project Implementation Method Plan, a Project Implementation Schedule Plan using the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM), an Implementation Cost Plan (RBP), a Cost Budget Plan (RAB), and a Achievement Schedule with the S Curve Method.</span></em></p> I Gusti Ngurah Wiryadharma Verdianata Ni Komang Armaeni Ni Made Widya Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 56 70 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1096 PERANCANGAN RUMAH SAKIT PARU DI DENPASAR https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1097 <p class="Abtrak" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><em><span lang="EN-US">Pulmonary Special Hospital is a hospital that provides health services based on pulmonary special disciplines and special medical treatment for pulmonary organs with disabilities, sleep disorders, and allergies. The number of lung disease sufferers in Bali Province has increased after Covid-19. Currently, the Province of Bali does not yet have special treatment and healing facilities for lung diseases. Handling of lung disease is still handled by public hospitals, both government and private, operating in Bali. Lung disease patients need adequate facilities and infrastructure and good building circulation. Thus, it is necessary to procure large-scale public health facilities in the form of a Lung Hospital, a class A special hospital that accommodates patients with lung disease in the Province of Bali. The design method used is the data collection technique in the form of literature studies, observation, and comparative studies, as well as data processing methods namely methods of analysis, synthesis, and transformation. The results of the design of the Lung Hospital in Denpasar refer to the basic concept of Healing Architecture with an architectural theme, namely Green Architecture. Green Architecture is applied to the use of parks and lung hospital technology.</span></em></p> I Gede Indra Kamiana Putra Ida Bagus Idedhyana Ayu Putu Utari Parthami Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 71 80 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1097 PERANCANGAN TAMAN BUDAYA DI JEMBRANA https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1099 <p><em>Jembrana Regency is a district in Bali Province that is famous for having arts that are unique and different from other districts, such as the arts of jegogan, jogged tubung, kendang berbarung, bungbung gebyog, cag-cag weaving, embroidery textile painting, and so on. In Jembrana Regency there is an arts building called the Ir Arts Building. Soekarno, but this building can only stage performing arts and its facilities are relatively limited. To complement the lack of facilities, a building is needed on a larger scale and can be used to preserve and develop arts and culture in Jembrana, namely in the form of a Cultural Park in Jembrana. Judging from its function, the design of the Cultural Park in Jembrana uses the basic concepts of Conservative, Educational, and Recreational using the Neo Vernacular theme, which means returning traditional building forms combined with modern building forms.</em></p> I Kadek Rezki Setia Andika Ida Bagus Idedhyana Ngakan Ngurah Putu Nityasa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 81 90 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1099 PENGGUNAAN KAYU SEBAGAI SECONDARY SKIN PADA BANGUNAN, SALAH SATU UPAYA MEWUJUDKAN ARSITEKTUR HIJAU https://ojs.unr.ac.id/index.php/teknikgradien/article/view/1100 <p>The benefits of using wood as a building material have long been felt. In recent times wood has developed into an architectural and aesthetic material, including as the secondary skin building. The wood fiber structure and durability as well as the ability of wood to maintain thermal conditions in the building it houses are one of the factors that strengthen the choice of wood. This research aims to find out the concept of using wood to fulfill its function as a secondary skin building, what factors should be taken into account in strengthening its function and aesthetics and whether there are other materials that can be used along with the advantages and disadvantages of each material.<br>This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach which focuses on problems based on conditions in the field. The data in this research was obtained through observation, interviews with related parties and also literature studies on similar research.<br>The research results found that the use of wood as secondary building must fulfill the concept of function, namely as a filter for heat, light intensity and noise. An aesthetic concept that improves the visual quality of the building but still provides comfort for users, in harmony with the environment and the concept of efficiency both in economic value and maintenance.</p> Frysa Wiriantari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-30 2023-10-30 15 02 91 98 10.47329/teknik_gradien.v15i02.1100