• Sri Astutik Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
Keywords: inheritance, Java indigenous


The distribution of inheritance among Javanese indigenous people, has its own characteristics. Although in general there are rules that have become a custom that applies from generation to generation, but in practice there are some variations in the implementation of inheritance. Submission of assets to his off spring does not have to wait for the death of the testator, but can be carried out while the testator is still alive. There are also those who share the inheritance after the testator dies and or the heir has finished his life (1000 days). In Javanese traditional inheritance law there are also known heirs, namely heirs who replace the main heirs, if he dies first. Every child has the right to become an heir, but the portion may differ depending on the habits in the family environment. There are heirs who get the same portion, some who get 2 for men and : 1 for  women, and there are also certain heirs getting more shares.


1. Buku

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2. Jurnal

Ali, U,. (2004). “Hukum Waris Adat dan Hukum Waris Islam dalam Prespektif Perbandingan”, Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, No.25, Vol 11, Januari, 2004
Abstract viewed = 2175 times
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