Archiving Policy

Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Equilibrium is committed to the permanent preservation and accessibility of all published content. To ensure this, we utilize the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, which is supported by our Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. This system allows for a decentralized and distributed approach to archiving, safeguarding the content through multiple copies stored across participating libraries and institutions.

Participation in LOCKSS Networks:

Our journal content is archived through the following systems:

  • Global LOCKSS Network: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Equilibrium's content is securely archived in the Global LOCKSS Network, ensuring the integrity and long-term accessibility of the journal's publications.
  • Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PN): Additionally, we participate in a Private LOCKSS Network, provided by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), offering further security for our digital archives.

By leveraging these systems, we ensure that our readers and the academic community have continuous access to our content, even in the event of a technical failure or data loss.

For more information on the LOCKSS program, please visit